
发布时间:2024-06-16 18:49  浏览量:8

长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 武萌 寇瑄)6月16日,2024年中国·廊坊国际经济贸易洽谈会如期启幕,境内外展商客商踊跃参与。来自尼泊尔的Raju说,这是他第一次参加廊坊经洽会,这次他带来了珠宝、戒指、宝石等。虽然第一次参展,但他希望以后有机会再来,他认为这是一个很好的平台,会找到很多新的客户。China·Langfang International Economic and Trade Fair kicked off on June 16, 2024 in Langfang, north China's Hebei Province. Domestic and foreign exhibitors from all over the world are gathering in Langfang with their own country's most distinctive and high quality products.Raju from Nepal said it is his first time to participate at the fair, and he brings jewelry, rings, gemstones and so on. Although it's his first time to exhibit at the fair, he hopes to come back in the future when he gets the chance, and he thinks it's a good platform and he will find a lot of new customers.
